• Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Sanken Electric Co., Ltd.* (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) will properly handle your personal information, including that of customers, shareholders and job applicants, in compliance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as the “Personal Information Protection Act”) and other relevant laws and regulations and in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
If the Company sets out a separate privacy policy when you provide the Company with your personal information, such privacy policy shall apply in addition to this Privacy Policy.
* Please click here for information on our Company representative and address.

1. Acquisition and Use of Personal Information

The Company will acquire personal information in an appropriate manner and notify you of or announce in advance the purposes of use of personal information unless such purposes of use are clear.
The Company will use personal information appropriately to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of use.

2. Purposes of Use of Personal Information

The Company will not handle personal information beyond the scope of the purposes of use prescribed below except where the personal information provider gives prior consent to do so or where such use is allowed based on applicable laws and regulations.
The Company may use personal information, without obtaining consent of the personal information provider, as statistical data in a format that does not allow for identification of the personal information provider in order to improve its services and operations.

(1) Personal information of customers

  • To introduce, promote, sell, provide and answer inquiries on the Company’s products and services, etc.
  • To provide or collect information on the Company’s products and services, etc.
  • To provide information on exhibitions, briefings and other events hosted by the Company.
  • To analyze customer action history on the Company’s website and to propose and introduce products and services to customers based on the results of such analysis.
  • To exercise the rights and perform the obligations based on the agreements executed and laws and regulations, etc.
  • To conduct business negotiations and meetings, and provide communication, etc.
  • To prepare internal materials necessary to manage company affairs, propose and draw up business plans, etc.
  • To submit documents required based on laws to the governmental authorities and make other notifications and reports.
  • To build and maintain a smooth relationship with business partners and local communities.
  • To respond to various inquiries (requests for information materials, introduction to products, visits and other various consultations).

(2) Personal information of shareholders

  • To exercise the rights and perform the obligations based on the Companies Act.
  • To operate and record the general shareholders meetings.
  • To grant various benefits to shareholders.
  • To contact shareholders for various reasons.

(3) Personal information of applicants for recruitment

  • To contact and provide information to applicants for recruitment activities.
  • To screen applicants and hire employees from the applicants.
  • To use the information for any other purposes necessary for recruitment activities.

       Website for recruitment: Sanken Electric Recruitment Information

(4) Other purposes

  • To respond to various inquiries.
  • For any other purposes specified at the time of acquiring personal information.

3. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

The Company will not provide any personal information to third parties except where the personal information provider gives prior consent to do so or where such provision is allowed based on applicable laws and regulations.

4. Outsourcing of Handling of Personal Information

The Company may outsource all or part of the handling of personal information to a service contractor to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of use prescribed in “Section 2 (Purposes of Use of Personal Information)”; however, the Company will sufficiently examine the eligibility of such service contractor, execute an agreement on protection of personal information with the service contractor and provide necessary and appropriate supervision to ensure protection of personal information.

5. Joint Use of Personal Information

The Company may jointly use personal information as follows:

Items of personal information to be used jointly Names, contact information (addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, etc.), employment information (company names, affiliations, titles, etc.), information about the details of inquiries, details of transactions and details of contracts, etc.
Scope of joint users Group companies of the Company
Purposes of joint use Business activities stated in the “Section 2 (Purposes of Use of Personal Information)”
Personal information controller Sanken Electric Co., Ltd.

6. Control of Personal Information in Foreign Countries

The Company may provide personal information to a third party located in any country outside Japan for outsourcing and joint use purposes, etc. The Company will provide personal information after understanding the personal information protection system in such country and taking appropriate protection measures (such as contractual commitments, etc.) to sufficiently protect your personal information.
*For the personal information protection system in each country, please see the website of the Personal Information Protection Commission, Japan.

7. Security Control Measures

The Company will properly handle personal information provided by you in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act and this Privacy Policy. In order to properly handle personal information, the Company takes the following security control measures, thereby ensuring the security of the information system that processes personal information and striving to keep personal information accurate and updated.

(1) Establishment of internal regulations

The Company has established the internal regulations concerning the handling of personal information and strives to ensure proper handling of personal information.

(2) Organization system

The Company appoints a person responsible for the control of personal information handling and a responsible person in each department that handles personal information and maintains a system to take security control measures for personal information. Furthermore, the Company clarifies the scope of employees and the scope of personal information such employees handle and maintains a system to report to the responsible person any fact or sign that an employee is in breach of the Personal Information Protection Act or the internal regulations concerning the handling of personal information.

(3) Employee education

The Company regularly provides education to its employees so that they recognize the importance of personal information.

(4) Physical measures

The Company takes measures to prevent loss and leakage, etc., of personal information by protecting the devices and electronic media that handle personal information by means of encryption and setting passwords, etc.

(5) Technological measures

The Company provides access control and limits the personnel and the scope of personal information handled.

(6) Understanding the external environment

The Company takes security control measures after understanding the personal information protection system at the destination where the personal information is transferred.

8. About Cookies

Some pages of the Company’s website use cookies in order to improve your convenience and to obtain statistical information on your browsing status for improvement of the content of the website. A cookie is a small file that is stored on the computer of a user to keep information about the user, and is a technology used on many websites. Your access information is anonymously collected by cookies and it does not, by itself, identify you personally.
You may set your browser to block cookies or to display a warning message when cookies are received.
Please note that if you block cookies, you may not be able to use some services on this website.

9. About Google Analytics

This website uses “Google Analytics,” Google’s access analysis tool, to obtain statistical data on the status of access to the website. For this reason, this website uses cookies provided by Google Analytics; however, the Company does not obtain through Google Analytics any information that identifies you personally.

For details on Google Analytics, please click here.
For details on the use of data by Google, please click here.

10. Disclosure, Correction and Suspension of Use, etc., of Personal Information

If the Company receives your request for disclosure, correction, deletion or suspension of use, etc., of your personal information, the Company will properly and promptly respond to such request in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
If you make a request, please fill in all the necessary items on the request form prescribed by the Company and send it by post to the point of contact indicated in “Section 12 (Inquiries)” together with the document that verifies the identity of the personal information provider or his or her representative. At that time, you may be charged the prescribed fee.
(If the Company is unable to respond to your request, the Company will not refund the fee paid.)
For details on the request procedures, and for requests for necessary documents, etc., please contact the point of contact indicated in “Section 12 (Inquiries).”

11. Modification of Privacy Policy

The Company may modify the Privacy Policy, as necessary. In such a case, the Company will post an announcement to that effect on this website.

12. Inquiries

For comments, or consultations, etc., about personal information, please contact the point of contact shown below.

Department in Charge Sanken Electric Co., Ltd.
Corporate Design Headquarters
General Affairs and Human Resources Division (Legal Affair Section)
3-6-3 Kitano, Niiza-shi, Saitama-ken
352-8666, Japan
TEL: 81-48-472-1111
FAX: 81-48-471-6249
Hours 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Monday through Friday in JST
(Except for national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, summer holidays and other holidays designated by the Company)

March 31st, 2022 Revised.

Questions or Comments?

Please feel free to contact us if you cannot find the desired product from the lineup.